"GENKI" English education homepage by T. Suzuki
The 3rd Summer Seminar 2002 at MSU-A

about what we learned in the seminar

Effective Learning and Teaching Strategies
"Everybody is Born to Learn!"

11 eager learners
participated in the seminar

the 4th day

Click to see the picture in a bigger size!

Participants learning more as the fourth day of learning begins.

Michiro Hayashi joins us from the third day.

Participants enjoy learning about 7 intelligences more practically in the game.

Miki Kato sent in her report about the seminar in Japanese.Miki's report

Go to the 5th day-
part one -- more pictures and stories
Click here.

Summer Seminar related pages:
summer seminar
the 1st day
the 2nd day
the 3rd day
the 4th day
the 5th day-1
the 5th day-2
the 5th day-3
my poem

Read My Diary 4(from January 1, 2003)

other pages:

Akita JALT
My Message
My MSU-A Speech
PALS English Class
Hi! We are PALS students
My thoughts about MSU-A

Takeshi Suzuki was asked to give a keynote speech for Winter 2001Honors Convocation held at MSU-A on February 22, 2001. You can read the full script of the speech

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